Grants Pass, Idaho seeks name change.

Stinky beard stupid pants

Grants Pass, OR- Fresh off the heels of a ballot measure to secede to Idaho, in a township that is 90.94% white and .67% black, in a county that voted nearly 70% in favor of Donald J. Trump in the 2016 election, a backlash is starting to form. Residents, informed by the more literate, aka “reading wing” of their party, are learning the dark history of their town’s namesake, Ulysses S. Grant. At the weekly Recall Kate Brown meetings held at the Josephine County Republican headquarters, articles are being drafted to petition the city to change their town’s name to Trumps Pass. According to the party leaders, “First off, 45 is a bigger number than 18, and that makes Grant a loser. Second, there was no loyalty to Grant, people from *his own* party defected and founded the LIBERAL republican party that rightly wanted to give power back to the South. Grant wanted a strong federal gubment and reduced states rights, he was a socialist.” Other points made by the advocates for a name change included that Grant was a worse businessman than Trump, that he was a gifted writer, unlike Trump, that he ordered the arrest of hundreds of Klansmen (there are good people on both sides), and supported the 15th Amendment (granting Newly freed slaves the right to vote) . “Grant, or ‘stinky-beard-stupid-pants’ as Trump likes to call him, goes against everything we stand for” Josephine County Republican Chair Troy Hernance was quoted as saying.

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